Friday 1 November 2013

MBA Project motivation of employees

The efficiency of a person depends on two factors, firstly, the level of ability to do a certain work, secondly, the willingness to do the work. So for as the first factor is concerned it can be acquired by education and training, but the second factor can be created by motivation. A person may have several needs and desires. It is only strongly felt needs which becomes motives. Thus motives are a product of needs and desires motives are many and keep on changing with time motives are invisible and directed towards certain goals.

Motivation means that process which creates on inspiration in a person to motivation is derived from the word ‘motive’ which means the latest power in a person which impels him to do a work.

Motivation is the process of steering a person’s inner drives and actions towards certain goals and committing his energies to achieve these goals. It involve a chain reaction starting with felt needs, resulting in motives which give rise to tension which census action towards goals. It is the process of stimulating people to strive willingly towards the achievement of organizational goals motivation may be defined as the work a manager performs an order to Induce Subordinates to act on the desired manner by satisfying their needs and desires. Thus motivations is concerned with how behaviour gets started, is energized, sustained and directed.

Definition of Motivation :

1st Definition of Motivation : According to Michael J. Jacius ; Motivation is the act of stimulating some one or oneself to get a desired course of action or to push the right button to get a desired reaction.

2nd Definition of Motivation : According to Dalton E. Mcfarland, "The concept of motivation is mainly psychological. It related to those forces are many and keep on changing with time motives are invisible and directed towards certain goals.

Techniques of Motivation

The main techniques of motivation are as under :

Positive and negative motivation.
Financial and Non-financial motivation.
Individual and group motivation.
motivation project report mba

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